Emergency Communication to All Ontario Police, filed with Ontario Police Services and elsewhere

Posted on December 18, 2021

On December 18, 2021, with only 24 hours notice, poor weather and only a week to go before Christmas, over 50 men and women peacefully and honorably filed an Emergency Communication at Peterborough Police Service.

Scroll down this page for details on additional filings at other police services, etc.

Click here or here for videos.

The Open Letter / Emergency Communication to All Men and Women Serving with Ontario Police is sealed by common law teacher Christopher James of the Pritchard family, Gabriel Gilles of the Proulx family [who serves as Constable with the Ontario Provincial Police], Timothy Miles of the Calhoun family [Retired Deputy Chief/ Fire Service 31 years], and myself, Christine Anne of the Massey family, under penalty of death.

Scott Rogers, who serves as Staff Sergeant (badge #162), received the following items:

  • the open letter (also shown at bottom of page) containing a brief Statement of “COVID-19” Facts showing that the alleged “COVID-19 virus” aka “SARS-COV-2” has never been shown to exist, a Notice: Trespass and Liability, a Statement of General Facts; a Cease and Desist regarding all “COVID-19” interference and all other unlawful interference, etc.;
  • Letter of Support signed by roughly 50 people (shown further below);
  • copy of an email advising that Scott Gilbert, a man who sometimes acts as Chief, Peterborough Police Service, is required to unblock my email address;
  • a USB key containing the files shown in the screenshots below (including the Freedom of Information responses from around the world showing that health/science institutions have no record of “COVID-19 virus” isolation/purification) (all files available from: http://bit.ly/awcevidence).

Scott Rogers provided us the following (Common Law) file number: PB21034159. We made explicitly clear to Scott Rogers that we were not “submitting” a “complaint” or a filing a LEGAL notice.

Scott Rogers, Staff Sergeant was very polite and pleasant.

Unfortunately Scott made the mistake of repeatedly trespassing against the public by denying use of our public washrooms to the men and women delivering the Emergency Communication.

Scott also appeared confused regarding the actions of men and women serving with Ontario Police. He repeatedly alleged, quite erroneously, that Police are “neutral” with respect to “COVID-19”, when in fact they have trespassed innumerable times against the public and within their own ranks by imposing and enforcing irrational, unlawful, fraud-based restrictions and requirements.

Nevertheless, we stand with Ontario Police in their right to be free of unlawful coercion in the workplace. We have ALL been lied to.

The Open Letter / Emergency Communication:

A big Thank You goes to common law teacher Christopher James of A Warrior Calls for all his guidance and support on this!! Tune into Christopher’s podcasts every Monday and Thursday evening, 8 pm EST.

Update December 30, 2021:


  • Notice: Trespass (OPP File Number: 2545021-0051) on September 13, 2021, at the service corporation ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE;

  • Evidence Package on September 23, 2021, provided to Scott Gilbert, the man who acts as Chief for Peterborough Police Services, Ontario;

  • Evidence Package on September 24, 2021, provided to Chris Snetsinger, the man who acts as Fire Chief for Peterborough Fire Services, Ontario;

  • Evidence Package on September 24, 2021, provided to Diane Therrien, the woman who acts as Mayor for City of Peterborough, Ontario;

  • Notice: Trespass (File Number: SM 21028560) on November 12, 2021, at the service corporation SAULT STE. MARIE POLICE SERVICES BOARD (see here and here;

  • Notice: Trespass (File Number: SU 21084581) on November 30, 2021, at the service corporation SUDBURY POLICE SERVICES BOARD (see here and here);

  • Notice: Trespass, Liability, Cease and Desist (File Number: PB 21034159) on December 18, 2021, at the service corporation PETERBOROUGH POLICE SERVICES BOARD;

  • Notice: Trespass, Liability, Cease and Desist (File Number: CB 21001050) on December 22, 2021, at the service corporation COBOURG POLICE SERVICES BOARD.
  • Notice: Trespass, Liability, Cease and Desist (File Number: PH 21006520) on December 22, 2021, at the service corporation PORT HOPE POLICE SERVICES BOARD.
  • Notice: Trespass, Liability, Cease and Desist (File Number: PR 210433509) was left with Staff Sergeant Harris (#2533) on December 29, 2021, at the service corporation PEEL POLICE SERVICES BOARD (hear audio of our failed attempt at headquarters here, and our successful attempt at 22 division: 1:40 – 5:00, and 13:10 – end of audio, here);

  • Notice: Trespass on January 10, 2022, at the service corporation ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE, Kings District, New Minas, Nova Scotia;

  • Follow-up email to Scott Gilbert, Peterborough Police Service, January 17, 2022 (still no response from Scott);

  • And, some filings of the FOIs (not including court cases) outside of Canada:

  • Notice: Trespass, Liability, Cease and Desist, plus copies of additional verified claims of extremely serious criminality (for example the filing that was made with the Metropolitan Police, London, England on the 20th of December 2021 and given crime reference number 6029679/21) on January 16, 2022, at a Police Service Corporation in the Republic of Cyprus (see videos here and here).


Below is a more general version of the letter (not focused on Peterborough), for use throughout Ontario. (It can be adapted for other provinces and countries as well.)

Be sure to add the names of your local police service board members to page 3 (add an extra sheet of paper if necessary), fill in the necessary details on page 4, add your name to the top of page 6 (only if you wish to state “under penalty of death”), and on the last couple of pages add your thumbprint and contact information.

Be sure to scan a copy for your records.
Word version, editable:

Download the evidence files from http://bit.ly/awcevidence and put copies on a USB key to go with your filing and keep copies for your records.

And here is the Letter of Support, that can be signed by additional people at the police station. (Take a photo of the signatures for your records.)

We made it explicitly clear to the police we were not “submitting” a “complaint” or a filing a legal notice, but rather a common law communication and that we required a file number (they referred to it as an “incident” number).

UPDATE MAY 28 2022

Here is another Notice that I just sent to:

Tim Farquharson, the man acting as “Acting Chief”, Peterborough Police Service (service corporation);
Diane Therrien, a woman who acts as “Mayor” at THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PETERBOROUGH


[If you would like to support my work… you can donate via PayPal using the button below

(or via email transfer using cmssyc@gmail.com – within Canada only).

Please also send me an email to let me know you donated – otherwise I won’t receive your contact info to say thanks!

All of my activism was self-funded up until November 10, 2021.]