Region’s fraudulent, unscientific oral health report still posted online

Region’s fraudulent, unscientific oral health report is still posted online

Peel Public Health’s unscientific and grossly misleading oral health report, entitled Oral Health in Peel 2017: A Taste of Risk Factors and Oral Health Outcomes, is still posted on the Region’s website.

The blatantly fraudulent and ludicrously low dental fluorosis statistic contained in this report was originally pointed out to the Community Water Fluoridation Committee Members, Chair Frank Dale, Medical Officer Dr. Lawrence Loh, Health Commissioner Nancy Polsinelli and CAO David Szwarc back in February.  An official complaint was made at that time to the CAO due to the failure of Peel’s previous Medical Officer, Dr. Eileen de Villa, and Commissioner Polsinelli to even reply to my earlier queries about this issue.

This very sketchy report claims that only 2.1% of the thousands of school children screened were affected by dental fluorosis.  The problem with this is that most of these children were too young to have the teeth that needed to be examined in order to determine their dental fluorosis status.

All we know about their ages is provided on page 42 of the report: “Routine data about the oral health  status of Peel’s population is limited  to children in junior kindergarten  (JK), senior kindergarten (SK) and  Grade 2.” 

Most children this young, especially the kindergarten children, cannot be properly assessed for fluorosis!  Apparently Staff simply classified children who could not be properly assessed as “not affected by fluorosis”.  index

In Staff’s reply to my request for further details, including a breakdown of the number of children properly assessed for fluorosis according to age (a reply that was only provided once I had complained to the CAO), they claimed to have “NIL” information.

Hard to believe, no?  Imagine how incompetent… or devious… Staff would have to be in order to collect and report data in such a shoddy manner.
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To make matters even more interesting: we find that on page 44 of the report they managed to provide a breakdown of ages when reporting on cavities.

Adding to the mystery, Staff indicated that they followed the province’s child health program oral health guidance document when assigning fluorosis scores.  Page 13 of this document states that the fluorosis score is an “optional field”.  Hence, for all we know at this point, Staff also cherry-picked which scores they would record in order to further lower the fraudulent statistic.

Things that make you go “Hmm”.  We will be following up on this.

Note that the Region of Peel commissioned a 2007 fluoridation study comparing samples of 7 year-old school children from fluoridated Brampton and unfluoridated areas of Caledon matched on measures of socioeconomic status.  It found no difference in the cavity rates, but that the fluorosis epidemic was doubly high in the fluoridated sample (34% vs. 16% for any degree of dental fluorosis; 9% vs. 3.6% for dental fluorosis of aesthetic concern).

At that point, the Region simply stopped reporting on dental fluorosis in their “comprehensive” oral health reports… until we complained about their failure to report and they finally came out with their fraudulent new statistic.