If RFK Jr. really believes in telling the truth “no matter the cost”, it’s time to come clean re “germs”

July 23, 2023

RFK Jr. was recently filmed discussing bioweapons. He claimed to know a lot about them now because he’s been researching for the last two and a half years for a book that purports to expose the origins of “coronavirus disease 19″.

This book has been talked about since at least October 2022, but can’t be critiqued because it hasn’t been released yet.

During the recent filmed discussion mentioned above, RFK Jr. claimed that “SARS-COV-2” disproportionately targets “genetic differentials“: Caucasians and black people versus Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.

He also claimed that ethnically targeted microbes are being developed in China and elsewhere. 

According to RFK Jr., not only do viruses and other pathogens exist, but you can teach an old germ new tricks. During a March 2022 interview, he claimed that researchers had “taught” a “virus” taken from the anus of a bat to infect humans (clip).

“Bioweapons” researcher or science/logic incompetent/indecisive?

These claims are quite different from the recorded response that RFK Jr. gave to a question from investigative reporter Eric F. Coppolino at an event in Greenwich, Connecticut in April 2022.

During Q and A, RFK Jr. was asked to weigh in on official “SARS-COV-2” freedom of information (FOI) confessions/failures from hundreds of “government” institutions around the world. In doing so, he misrepresented the queries that had led to the responses and he gave the impression that the responses weren’t really helpful or revealing – even though the responses make clear that the people acting as “government” agents don’t know of anyone on Earth ever obtaining a purified sample of the alleged virus, which is the necessary independent variable required for valid application of the scientific method.

He further claimed that he isn’t qualified to weigh in on whether or not “viruses” including “SARS-COV-2” even exist, and said he “can’t argue with” people like Eric who report on the glaring problems with virology. He feebly cited his:

inclination… that the viruses do exist… I could be wrong… it all seems like, you know, viruses are real, and um so, look, I should have just shut up from the beginning and say I’m not gonna answer that question…”

So last year RFK Jr. fluctuated between confidently asserting that researchers can “teach” alleged viruses to infect new species, to confessing that he wasn’t 100% certain whether or not viruses even exist, to being a “bioweapons” researcher supposedly knowledgeable enough to have planned an entire book on the (alleged) origins of “coronavirus disease 19”.

Then in February 2023 , when his colleague Mary Holland (then-president of Children’s Health Defense “charity” where, by the way, RFK Jr. was paid nearly $500,000 in 2021, see p. 7) was asked to cite the “virus” science that CHD relied upon, she responded that CHD didn’t have a position on the existence of alleged viruses including SARS-COV-2, and that they were open to viruses not even existing.

Mary acknowledged that there are serious problems with the methodologies of virology and said that at CHD they were still exploring the (pseudo)science.

And now RFK Jr. claims to be a “bioweapons” researcher of 2.5 years who knows for a fact that “ethnically targeted bioweapons” are in development and that “SARS-COV-2” exists and preferentially targets people based on alleged genetic differentials.

There might be a slight problem with this timeline.

There “might” also be a problem with the “science” that RFK Jr. now relies on. He’s not responded to emails asking for scientific evidence to back up his claims; there is no “virus” or “bioweapon” science posted on the CHD website; his personal “science” advisor has only hypotheses involving hypothetical “background endemic coronaviruses”, hundreds of institutions have shown that they have zero “virus” science, and every angle of the official “covid-19” narrative has been thoroughly discredited.

Telling the truth “no matter the cost” and “especially when it’s difficult”?

In an emotional campaign videoRKF Jr. claimed, hand literally on heart, that he believes in doing the right thing “no matter the cost. It’s implied that he is willing to put his life on the line for the truth and is very touching. 

In a July 18th email, Kennedy stated “we deserve a President who’s willing to tell the truth, especially when it’s difficult”.

This is quite different from Kennedy’s private comments to a well-known no-virus person, wherein he spoke of “opportunity costs” and “diminishing returns” and explained that going public with the truth about virology wouldn’t work for his “cost/returns ratio”, as reported by Eric F. Coppolino – screenshot below.

In the campaign video above, RFK Jr. said that one of the things worse than death would be losing our freedoms and living like slaves. Apparently he doesn’t think this has already happened. He says he’s going to take back his country for the poor people, who are his people, “the Kennedy people”.

Heal the Divide? RFK Jr. could begin by citing the science or admitting there is none


  • immeasurable suffering has been inflicted onto people and animals over the last 100+ years under the banner of battling “germs”,
  • many poor “Kennedy people” won’t be able to afford his book,
  • his book isn’t even scheduled for release until September,
  • we’ve already been warned that the next fake-pandemic will make fake-covid look like a walk in the park,
  • he claims to want to “Heal the Divide”,
  • there’s a huge divide over the existence of “viruses” and “pathogens”…

RFK Jr. could just cite the scientific studies that he relies upon – for public scrutiny – without further delay. Or admit there are none.

Hopefully people who are aware of the virus-existence issue will insist that he do this. What could be more important than figuring out whether or not “the virus” story was entirely unfounded, what actually happened during the last 3 years, and whether or not any “bioweapon” science actually exists?

“Fiercely pro-vaccine”…we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination

I’ll just mention here as well that RFK Jr. is on record stating “emphatically” that he is “fiercely pro-vaccine” and believes “we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination for all Americans”. To my knowledge, he has never changed his position on this.

He is also on record indicating that he’s in favour of mandatory “medicine” (aka anti-health-freedom, see @10:00) in at least some circumstances.

The End of (Fake) Covid

Check out The End of Covid (TEOC) to find out what really happened during these last 3 “covid” years.

TEOC is 100+ hours of content from dozens of presenters uncovering all aspects of the fake pandemic, the pseudoscientific nature of virology, the bogus tests, fabricated “genomes” and much much more. It’s free until August 1st.

Some reactions to RFK Jr.’s recent “virus” and ”bioweapon” assertions

Jeffrey Strahl, researcher/historian*:

“Can RFK Jr. show the purported genetic difference between “Caucasians” (Europeans) and “Ashkenazi Jews” based on valid research?  Or show us the “Chinese” genome  common to the 1.4 billion people in China? Or explain why the alleged virus largely skipped the continent of Africa if it disproportionately targets “black people”?

Not to mention that there is no evidence for the existence of “SARS-CoV-2” in the first place, unless RFK Jr has some which the world is unaware of.  This makes any notion of which genotypes this alleged virus attacks moot, there’s no purified particle with which to assess such matters.”

Michael Bryant
, independent researcher**:

“The latest media generated controversy surrounding RFK and “ethnically targeted bioweapons” asks that one take one of two positions both of which are based on false assumptions- I won’t review those positions here. Those who step into the ring of this latest Potemkin debate are shadowboxing, swinging at imaginary adversaries. Well it is a “Covid Conversation” after all- what else would you expect?

Now I don’t care too much about any political personalities and have no great love for RFK nor any animosity towards him. Worship of leaders is a technique of indoctrination that goes back to the crazed George Washington cult of the 18th century and to the Reagan cult, to the truly lunatic Obama Hopium cult, up to the present day deranged Trump cult. 

RFK gets this same irrational adulation from his followers. His devotees accept at face value anything that comes out of his mouth. 

Should RFK or anyone get a free pass just because they have reached celebrity status? I don’t think so.

This latest conversation is more Ionescu theatre in the seemingly endless saga of “lab leak theory.” The problem for this theory is there is zero evidence that a unique viral pathogen caused a pandemic. There was no pathogen that spun around the globe and killed millions of people- suggesting that there was diverts attention from reviewing what did kill people and provides cover for what actually happened.

If RFK wants to play Columbo and genuinely get to the bottom of the Covid Crimes he needs to go to the scene of the crimes. How about he start by obtaining records from Elmhurst, Maimonides and NYC-Presbyterian hospitals. What would be discovered in such an inquiry is that “Covid Deaths” are in fact mass murder via vents, propofol, midazolam, morphine, neglect, DNR’s- deaths brought about by human actors not imaginary hobgoblins. 

Kennedy’s fundamental assertions on “all things pandemic”, including this latest nonsense, are flat wrong and he only gets a pass on this because he is RFK. We know exactly what happened, where it happened and how it happened. This was not the case of what he calls “a mismanaged pandemic”- there was no pandemic.

When you pretend that SARS-CoV-2 was uniquely powerful, you advance fear-driven, unsubstantiated claims about what’s even possible. “Virus from Wuhan” keeps people distracted from looking back at the data and contemporaneous documents/events to consider what actually occurred. 

People can have all the theories they want but evidence is required. The evidence of what was happening directly inside the hospitals is voluminous and readily available. Why does RFK avoid focusing on this data? 

The answer seems to be because that evidence blows apart all of these other ridiculous theories including all  permutations of “lab leak.” 

The evidence illustrates clearly that there was no sudden spread of a “novel deadly respiratory pathogen” in 2020 but there was an iatrogenic event which is being covered up under the auspices of “sudden spread” of a “novel” pathogen.” 

“Lab leak” is the classic example of scapegoating a situation that satisfies calls for transparency, but has nothing to do with what actually occurred.

Through it all it is painfully obvious that Kennedy has not done his homework on what actually happened in NYC and Northern Italy or he is purposefully obfuscating the issue.

If he weren’t RFK people would dissect his statements and ask that evidence be provided for his numerous wonky “lab leak” assertions.

Many people have brought this to his attention, yet he plows on with “lab leak” hypotheticals- he is personally invested in these crackpot notions. 

People love to live in movies and seem to have a need for drama. All well and good but the very real problem with perpetuating the “lab leak” story, especially coming from the man who sits atop the “health freedom movement”, is that the people who were killed directly by hospital protocols will never gain justice as long as the likes of RFK continue with this madness.”

*Jeff Strahl has shared insights re the Kennedy mythology on Eric Coppolino’s radio program at PlanetWaves FM (see here and here).

**Michael Bryant is an independent researcher featured in 3 segments of The End of Covid – calling out the fraud in real time – and writes for Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF). You can find more of his work at the links listed here.

For truth, freedom and sanity,