SARS-COV-2 & Marburg FOIs: PH Canada & Scotland, U of Otago, OPP, ON Solicitor General, Calgary Police – no records! — October 28, 2021

First published elsewhere JUL 7, 2022

Greetings and best wishes, 

September 10, 2021:

Public Health Scotland confirmed once again, this time for Richard Anthony, that they have no purified sample of the alleged “COVID-19 virus/variants” and know of no one in Scotland who does, and they equated isolation/purification with meaningless, unscientific monkey cell culturing:

October 22, 2021:

Public Health Agency of Canada confirmed that they have no record of the alleged “Marburg virus” having been purified from any human or non-human primate sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet:  

October 22, 2021:

New Zealand’s University of Otago confirmed that they have no record of the alleged “Marburg virus” having been purified from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet:

October 26, 2021:

Calgary Police Service confirmed that they have no record of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” having been purified from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone – and thus no EVIDENCE that “it” even exists or that any “covid” harm/trespass/crime ever has been, or could possibly be, committed by anyone.

October 27, 2021:

Ontario Provincial Police and Ontario’s Ministry of the Solicitor General confirmed that they have no record of any “COVID-19 virus” having been purified from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere – and thus zero EVIDENCE that “it” even exists or that any “covid” harm/trespass/crime ever has been, or could possibly be, committed by anyone.  See page 22:

Interesting how “law” enforcement service corporations cherry pick which legislation/”laws” to enforce!


Dr. Stefan Lanka: interview with Joan Shenton – 25/9/2021

October 2021: Dr. Bill Smith and I joined Brian Lupo of Cann Con Community to discuss the isolation/purification issue, and “covid” injections:

FOI responses and court documents from 127 institutions (and counting) in >25 countries:

Every institution failed to cite any record re purification of the imaginary “covid-19 virus” from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere, or proof of “its” existence. 
Because “it” doesn’t exist and virology isn’t a science. 
For Truth, Freedom and Sanity,
Christine Massey,
Peterborough, ON Canada