Alberta Court of King’s Bench lawyer & former “virus” researcher runs from questions about “viruses” and “the state”

JAN 7, 2024 newsletter

Greetings and Best Wishes,

Having typed “Christine Massey Peterborough” into the website of CANLII (“Canadian Legal Information Institute”), I was surprised to find that I’d been mentioned in a summer issue (Vol 60, No 4) of Alberta Law Review.

What follows is a rant/expose re the author who wrote false / misleading statements about myself and others who don’t bow to “the state” or BAR members.

You probably have something better to do than read about yet another infuriating “public servant” and won’t learn anything new about virology here. Sorry. I’m publishing this because I like to document/expose when people misrepresent me. No offense if you choose not to read further.

Donald J Netolitzky has a PhD in microbiology, participated in “virus” research between 1988 and 2000 (see here and here), currently acts as “Complex Litigant Management Counsel” at Alberta Court of King’s Bench and is listed as the author of “New Hosts for an Old Disease: History of the Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Argument Phenomenon in Canada — Part III”.

See what Donald did there? He worked a condescending germ-hypothesisreference into the title of his hit piece.

That’s because Donald is – per his own admissions published on twitter and ResearchGate – basically a clown and proud of it:

“An Arcanaloth masquerading as a Microbiologist masquerading as a Lawyer. For now.”

I’m a microbiologist masquerading as a lawyer. I’m not really interested in law, legal theory, etc.

According to the University of Alberta Faculty of Law, July 31, 2020: Donald, who admits he is “not really interested in law, legal theory, etc., “completed his LLM at the University of Alberta Faculty of Law in a speedy 10 months… the second person in the history of UAlberta Law to undergo a virtual defence and has returned to his position as the Complex Litigant Management counsel for the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta.

And his thesis was supervised by “Dean Barbara Billingsley”… who according to the university website became “Dean” just 30 days earlier. Ok sure!

So… someone who acts as a Court of King’s Bench staff lawyer but freely admits that he is “not really interested in law, legal theory, etc.” has penned a critique of people who are interested in law, and has used the term “pseudolaw” 299 times in a 46 page document. Fascinating.

A lot could be said about this document but I’ll just highlight some basic points demonstrating the ~quality~ of foxy Donald’s analysis. Below is an excerpt.

“Pritchard” = Christopher James of A Warrior Calls. Emphasis is mine:

“Pritchard acted as a legal representative for COVID-19 denier and “flat Earther” Makhan “Mak” Singh Parhar. In Parhar, Justice Blok struck out an attempt by Parhar to conduct a Lentzian “do-it-yourself” vigilante court, rejecting Pritchard’s submissions made as Parhar’s “colleague.” … Parhar died in late 2021 after rejecting a COVID-19 diagnosis “because CONVID … doesn’t exist.””

Anyone familiar with Christopher realizes that he does not do “legal” and does not “represent” anyone – including himself. Chris’ focus is on teaching people the difference between “legal” and “lawful” and the importance of learning to speak for ourselves as men and women rather thanas legal fictions / persons / franchises / sureties, etc. Not in legalese and not as lawyers.

Regarding Donald’s smug, callous remark about Mak Parhar (may he rest in peace), insinuating that Mak died from the imaginary “coronavirus”: even “B.C. Coroners Service” eventually acknowledged that Mak – who was horrifically harassed and bullied through the courts in B.C. to shut down his yoga studio, etc. due to the nonexistent “virus”- died with a (meaningless, fraudulent) “covid-19” diagnosis, not from (nonexistent) “covid-19”Some believe that he was essentially hounded to death.

Mak Parhar had COVID, but died of overdose: B.C. coroner | CTV News

COVID-19 denier”, “flat Earther”, “Lentzian “do-it-yourself” vigilante”.

Facts, logic, evidence to support the condescension behind these labels? No way! Donald acts as “Alberta Court of King’s Bench staff lawyer” managing “problem litigants and litigation” and so is “not really interested in law, legal theory, etc.” Name-calling, dismissive condescension and citing legal rulings of BAR members is Donald’s MO.

Donald went on to misrepresent myself and others who have been unlawfully harassed by BAR members and agents of “the state” under the guise of the imaginary “virus” and consulted with Christopher – including Jamie Russo, owner of Pushing Inc Tattoo Emporium in Barrie, Ontario and super-nice guy, and Gabriel Gilles Proulx, formerly with Ontario Provincial Police, another super-nice guy (pg 1001):

“Pritchard’s known litigation customers are diverse, and include: …the owner of a tattoo business conducting Lentzian “do-it-yourself” proceedings … in retaliation for pandemic management steps….

…retaliatory Lentzian trespass procedures for disciplinary proceedings conducted against Ontario Provincial Police officer Gabriel Gilles Proulx, who engaged in pandemic denial activities

…a COVID-19 “scamdemic” activist charged with criminal harassment after confronting the Peterborough, Ontario medical officer of health at the doctor’s residence.”

“Customers” implies payment. Once again, anyone familiar with Chris knows this is false, as Chris does not charge for his input. As the “COVID-19 scamdemic activist” mentioned above I can confirm that Chris has never so much as hinted that I should pay him, nor would he accept anything from me.

retaliation for pandemic management steps”….pandemic denial activities” …COVID-19 scamdemic activist”. Donald’s clearly a true-believer, or at least a strong promoter, of the official false-narrative.

Which brings us to my questions for Donald.

I started tweeting questions to Donald earlier today, since he didn’t provide an email address when asked and I couldn’t find one online. He responded by citing 1 of his old unscientific studies on “western equine encephalitis virus (WEE)”… and then refused to engage any further after I replied back with some critical comments.


(The “SARS-COV-2” questions that I posed to Donald are also pasted at the bottom of this article for easier reading. All of the tweets can be read directly, here.

Note that I also indicated I would be challenging Donald to provide evidence for the purportedly lawful authority of “the courts” and “the state” over the people as well.)

I probably won’t respond further to you. Make of that what you will.”

(Some of my “attacks” on court and crown actors are here.)

(This particular affidavit was kept very brief and simple, based on the thinking of the man who I was helping. A much more detailed and updated notarized version is here.)

(“Judge” Sébastien Grammond’s decision was problematic for various reasons… including the fact that he apparently didn’t bother to look at the FOIs to find out which 138 institutions they were from!)

*** End Rant ***

If Donald responds further I will update this page later and/or add a note to a future newsletter.

Text of my “SARS-COV-2” tweet:

“In memory of Mak Parhar, I challenge you to:

1) Cite valid, rigorous scientific evidence showing the existence of “SARS-COV-2”.

This requires you to show that the specific alleged particle (with purported “genome” and proteins) has been found in sick people and shown (via valid, rigorous, repeatable controlled experiments) to cause “covid-19” symptoms (via natural exposure routes), and that said “virus” and symptoms have been shown to be transmissible from “infected” to healthy people (via natural exposure routes).

Feel free to begin by providing valid, rigorous evidence that “covid” symptoms are transmitted to the healthy, even in animals. 

(If you could accomplish the above, evidence of replication in cells would also be required.)

2) Then, cite studies where “covid-19” tests were validated for detecting said alleged “virus”.

Then we will move onto evidence for the purportedly lawful authority of “the courts” and “the state” over the people.”

Addendum, January 9, 2024:

Donald’s only response has been to block me on twitter:

FOIs Summary

Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (220 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:

Excel file listing 220 institutions:

FOI responses re other imaginary viruses (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):

FOIs re secretive and unscientifically “mock infected” cells (aka invalid controls) and fabricated “genomes”:

3000 pages of “virus” FOIs (updated as of December 31, 2022) in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declaration re the anti-scientific nature of virology:

Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?

Because “they” (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) don’t exist and virology isn’t a science.

For truth, freedom and sanity,