CDC FOIA confession: no scientific evidence of any encephalitis “virus”

February 13, 2024 newsletter Greetings and Best Wishes, The FOIA below was inspired by Donald J Netolitzky, a former “virus” researcher who currently acts as Alberta Court of King’s Bench lawyer, yet proudly admits that he is “not really interested in law, legal theory, etc.” Donald regularly churns out wildly biased hit-pieces about people who don’t bow … [Read more…]

CDC has no evidence of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus or any alleged Bunyavirus

Just impossible-to-validate test results February 1, 2024 newsletter Greetings and Best Wishes, “Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus” is an alleged “tick-borne virus”. In July, 2023 some fear-mongering was being spread through baseless media reports, like the one below from “Deadly tickborne virus that’s spreading in Europe ‘likely to reach UK’Climate change is causing infectious ticks to move north in … [Read more…]

Calif. Dept of PH confession: no record of ANY “vax” schedule “virus” or “SARS-COV-2” on Earth being found, purified from “host”

Including veterinary “viruses” January 27, 2024 newsletter Greetings and Best Wishes, Before someone could sequence and characterize particles suspected of being a “virus”, and study them with valid scientific controlled experiments to find out if they actually fit the definition of a “virus”, it would be necessary to first find these purported particles where they … [Read more…]

“not actually in our possession”: Japan’s Ministry of Health on evidence of “HPV” & “rabies virus” existence

Confessions dated October/November 2023 Posted 2024 01 26 Greetings and Best Wishes, A colleague (who prefers to remain anonymous) previously forwarded FOI responses from Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases showing that “the experts” there have no record of: “SARS-COV-2” being found in and purified from any sick person on the planet – which was necessary in order … [Read more…]

“germ” FOIs & LIVE ANNOUNCEMENT TODAY re “the virus challenge”

First posted elsewhere JUL 15, 2022 Greetings and Best Wishes, First an Announcement:Today, July 15 at 4 PM EST Dr. Mark Bailey will join Dr. Tom Cowan LIVE to discuss “the virus challenge”.Watch live here on youtube and the recording will be posted on all social platforms following the event. FOIS June 17, 2022:A man or woman working on the “OIA Services Team”, Ministry of … [Read more…]

Why is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. running from the missing virus problem?

by Eric F. Coppolino First published elsewhere on JAN 25, 2023 Greetings and best wishes, Eric Coppolino asks a very good question. I suspect it’s answered in RFK Jr.’s private correspondence, which is included in Eric’s article. Related, also from Eric:Made for Hulu: Open Letter to Jay Couey about the Early Origins of the Covid … [Read more…]

David Martin’s “malleable” reality: the no-virus movement doesn’t exist but imaginary viruses do

A presentation to the men and women known an “European Parliament” Originally published MAY 13, 2023 here: Greetings and Best Wishes, It’s almost as if some of the Virus Pushers Against Clotshots are in a competition to see who can come up with the most ridiculous “virus” narrative. In recent months, we’ve had Sabine Hazan claim that … [Read more…]